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KraftCloud can run a wide range of applications and langauges. Here we provide a set of guides to help you get going with your app, and assume you have already gone over the quick start section. If there’s a guide you’d like to see here please drop us a line at [email protected] .

Platform Features Guides

A set of guides to show the fundamental features of the KraftCloud platform.

Connect your App to the Outside World How to use service groups to connect your app to the Internet.
Images and the Registry How to create, push and use images.
Setting up Load Balancing How to set up load balancing across a set of instances.
Plugging Apps Together How to (privately) connect a set of instances together.
Setting up Scale to 0 How to set up scale to 0.
Setting up Autoscale How to set up autoscale.
Performing Rolling Updates How to deploy updated instances without dropping traffic.
Deploying to Custom Domains How to deploy using your own custom domain name.
Using Volumes How to use volumes on KraftCloud.
Debugging Apps How to debug on KraftCloud.
Using Compose files How to deploy multiple applications simultaneously.
Constructing the Application Filesystem How to construct application filesystems using Docker / Dockerfile.

Language and Application Guides

A set of guides to get you going with your favorite language or application.

Run a Go app Deploy a Go web server
Run a Python app Deploy a Python web server
Run a Node app Deploy a Node web server
Run a Llama2 app Deploy a llama2/LLM inference service with API endpoints
Run a Rust app Deploy a Rust Actix server
Run a C++ app Deploy a C++ web server
Run NGINX Deploy a static web server with NGINX
Run Caddy Deploy a static web server with Caddy
Run a Ruby app Deploy a Ruby web server
Run Imaginary Image processing with Imaginary
Run a Lua app Deploy a Lua web server
Run a Perl app Deploy a Perl web server
Run a PHP app Deploy PHP web server
Run a Java app Deploy Java web server
Run a Hugo app Deploy a static content Hugo web server
Run Grafana Deploy Grafana
Run Minio Deploy a Minio high performance object store
Run a .NET app Deploy a .NET web server
Run an Erlang app Deploy an Erlang web server

Language Framework Guides

A set of guides combining using language frameworks.

Run Python Flask Deploy a Flask app
Run a Django app Deploy a Django web application
Run a Prisma API server Deploy Prisma/Express REST API server
Run a Next.js server Deploy a Next.js server
Run an ExpressJS app Deploy ExpressJS app (scroll to the bottom)
Run an SolidJS app Deploy a SolidJS/SolidStart app
Run a Rust Rocket server Deploy a Rocket server
Run a Rust Tokio server Deploy a Tokio web server
Run a Spring Boot app Deploy a Spring Boot web server
Run a Ruby on Rails app Deploy a Rails web server
Run a WASM (Spin) app Deploy Spin web server
Run a WASM (Wazero) app Deploy a Go server running Wazero blobs
Run a Remix app Deploy a Remix web server.
Run a C++ Boost app Deploy a web server using the C++ Boost libraries
Run a SvelteKit app Deploy a SvelteKit server.
Run a Bun app Deploy a Bun server.


A set of guides for deploying proxy software.

Run Traefik Deploy a Traefik instance
Run HAProxy Deploy an HAProxy instance
Run Skipper Deploy a Skipper instance


A set of guides for deploying database software. If you need Postgre, please contact us at [email protected] .

Run SQLite Deploy a Flask/SQlite instance
Run MariaDB Deploy a MariaDB instance
Run MongoDB Deploy a MongoDB instance
Run DragonflyDB Deploy a DragonflyDB instance
Run Memcached Deploy a Memcached instance
Run Redis Deploy a Redis instance
Run DuckDB Deploy a DuckDB database via a Go web server
Run PostgreSQL Deploy a PostgreSQL instance